week 2: Creating a life of meaning

Man! This week a kind of brutal with all the reading and they
weren't five-page talks either, but I am so thankful for the challenge. I
learned so much this week and realized I know most of what I read, but hearing
it from someone else and a different perspective was eye opening.
I got to read The
Ministry of Business by Steven A. Hitz with James W. Ritchie and if
you haven't read this book and want to one day open your own business then you
need to. Steven A. Hitz is Mormon but goes one to explain that all that he
is writing can be used in an any religion. You don’t have to be a Latter-Day
Saint to have what he writes to apply to your life.
“The Ministry of Business is intended for
all people of faith, and will provide a foundation of spiritual and business
principles from which to build a life of greatness.”
What I want to remember:
I want to remember The Cycle of Divine Guidance. Hitz explains
this as the “foundation upon which our
business achievements have been built”. That we need to be in-tune to promptings
we are given and to be willing and have faith to act upon them at that moment. To
not be scared and to have peace with God’s timing no matter what may happen.
For the past year I have learned this lesson and there have been
times when I have forgotten this lesson and had to be reminded.
Pausch's Last Lecture:
Randy Pausch was an amazing man and I am so thankful to have been able to learn from him this week. His life was so amazing and he inspired me in so many ways. I feel like hi success attributed to how his childhood was and how his parents always supported him and let him learn. I feel if he didn't have the freedoms his parents provided that he wouldn't have been who he became. So I know that dreaming is very important because if it wasn't for dreamers we wouldn't have the televisions, man on the moon, or P.T. Barnum's Circus. We wouldn't have the United States and the freedoms provided from "dreamers".
When I was younger I remember wanting so bad to become a singer (like every little girl in the 90s) and then one day that dream was gone. To this day I still think of it and wonder what happened, but as I grew up I got bigger and different dreams which I have accomplished. I feel if becoming a singer was truly a dream that I absolutely wanted then I could of achieved it. Probably not as big as Britney Spears or Spice Girls. My dream now is to open my own in home fabric store so that I continue to be home with my boys but to have a safety net if anything was to happen to my husband.
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