Week 3: Happiness and moving on
Seriously, if you are a future entrepreneur or just a person who needs guidance, I recommend The Ministry of Business. I have been able to learn so much and it’s not because the authors are Mormon, but because what they teach is true and we all need guidance. I keep telling my husband that he needs to read this book, but I don't know if he will.
What I hope to remember from my reading this week will be The Formula for Success and Happiness:
1. Get up early
2. Work hard
3. Get your education
4. Find your oil
5. Make your mark
6. Get prepared to be of service
What I hope to remember from my reading this week will be The Formula for Success and Happiness:
1. Get up early
2. Work hard
3. Get your education
4. Find your oil
5. Make your mark
6. Get prepared to be of service
There are definitely some that I need to work on and some that I am doing right now. I feel that to be able to succeed I need to be disciplined and not lazy. I need to be willing to work for whatever I hope to accomplish today and for the future.
I also had the opportunity to read about a woman named Magdalena Yesil and I loved her story and how she made her decisions. She was from Turkey and from a family with no son’s, but her father wanted so much for her and her future and encouraged her to want to learn and to go to school. In the end she was able to come to the United States and go to school. She was also given may wonderful opportunities to grow personally and professionally. She was able to know when it was time to move on to new opportunities and what companies to work for. I hope I will be able to know when to move on and to have the faith to do it. We all need to know this no matter who we are and what we do.
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