Week 10: Dream Big
I really enjoyed all that
I read and listened to this week, but I feel I got so much out of being able to
interview an entrepreneur. Being able to get advice from someone who has done
what I only dream to do and to be able to get a foot into a world that I am
learning about. For almost the last 5 years I have been quilting and this world
has challenged me so much, but I have learned along the way. When I was first starting
out I learned how to quilt from YouTube and slowly getting the courage to go
quilt stores. I have been able to meet the most wonderful men and women (yes,
men quilt too and they are so awesome at it). For the past few years I have
been thinking about opening my own quilt shop, but never knew what route to
take or if a physical store or an online one.

I was able to get advice
from Kris Thurgood. She is the owner of My Girlfriends Quilt Shoppe in Logan,
Utah and Midway, Utah. I was able to pick her brain and get to know her even
better than I did before. As I have seen her grow her business I have seen the great
choices she has made and also the ones that she is hoping to make a difference
and an impact into others lives. I want to make an impact as well and so as I
continue to dream I hope one day I just go for it. To not be scared of the unknown
and to always learn.
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