Week 9: Disciple Leadership

Man, it’s been a couple of weeks since I have written in my journal, but before my life got all crazy, I was really enjoying Mastery. I loved what I was being taught not only about others but about myself and how much I am a part of the three categories. 

This week we got to read a few talks and one that I really enjoyed was Leadership with a Small “L” by President Kim B. Clark in December 14, 2007 at a Commencement. I love how he loving explained that the call to be a disciple-leader is a call to minister and to serve. That was we serve and lead others in life, callings, and in families, we are to lead as Christ lead and that was by lifting, building, and inspiring through kindness, love, and unselfish devotion. Jesus Chris lived His life by doing all of that and much more. He is truly an example and we can be just like Him by doing the following principles:

Principle #1: Lead by Example
“One of the most important things that leaders do is what they do.”

Principle #2: Lead by Vision
“One of the most important things that leaders do is to help the people they lead understand the larger meaning and purpose of their daily work.”

Principle #3: Lead with Love
“Effective small “L” leaders learn to energize the people around them through love in action.”

I am not perfect and I am still learning, we all are, but I hope to be more like Jesus Christ and to lead with a small "L".
