Week 13: Perfect Match

This week I was able to read a case study on Randy Haykin and his journey to becoming an entrepreneur. His case was really interesting considering the companies he worked for and the people met along the way as well. I have learned that knowing the right people can help anyone get ahead of the pack but having the right people who compliment you not only in life but in business can make a huge difference as well. As future entrepreneurs we will have the task of finding people who can help build our companies and who are the strength to our weaknesses. Randy tells a story of how he picked his business partners and comparing it to a marriage. He took 15 years to figure out if his future business partner would be the perfect match and, in the end, he was. Making this choice not only helped his company but helped him grow into a stronger leader.

We must always remember that there will be someone out in the world who are better than us in some or most things and we would have to put our pride aside and let them help. Not only would we grow, but it shows others that we are willing to get help when needed.
